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Does AI works?
I ask Copilet: how to read the outlook .ost file Copilet answers: Method 1: Using Microsoft Outlook Open Microsoft Outlook:...
Does AI works?
I was asked Copilot:"All things work together for good." meaning.Copilot said Sent by Copilot:That’s a beautiful and hopeful sentiment! It...
Daphile, Digital Music Convenience for Audiophiles Audio Science Review Seams this is a great setup to replaced Raspberry Pi 3b+ with Volumio for my HiFi system, will do more...
First of May 五·一 勞動節
今天是五月一日,年長的歌迷們都會記得Bee Gees 有首令人刻骨銘心的情歌 First Of May。憂怨、浪漫、動聽、懐舊、扣人心絃,甚至盪氣迴腸。在那些青蔥歲月裏,你曾否牽過你愛人的手,抱著對方沉醉在這首經典歌曲之中?😍😍👨❤️👨👩❤️👨在這裡有幾個版本和你分享:下面是用在電影「兩小無猜」(Melody) 的版本,有很多勾起回憶的片段:而這是2013年Barry Gibb 在都柏林的現場表演版本,全場觀眾加入合唱:五一勞動節快樂💐🎉🎶🎵🎶 剛剛看過了兩小無猜主題曲First of May,眼眶濕了。 青春歲月呀越來越遠了!